Aceite Uncion Mirra biblia
La mirra fue utilizada como uno de los ingredientes sagrados para ungir el Tabernáculo y el Templo Sagrado, y por supuesto se usó como un regalo para honrar al Niño Jesús. También fue usado por José de Arimatea y Nicodemo para ungir el lino usado para envolver el cuerpo de Jesús y prepararlo para el entierro.
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Myrrh was used as one of the sacred ingredients in anointing the Tabernacle and the Holy Temple, and of course was used as a gift to honor the Christ child. It was also used by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to anoint the linen used to wrap Jesus' body, and prepare him for burial. Anointing oils have a strong scent and come in attractive, leak-resistant packaging. Each scent is filled with a beautiful, biblical fragrance. Anointing oils were used in scripture as a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit for prayers of healing, consecration, sanctification for leadership, and deliverance.
Los aceites para ungir tienen un fuerte aroma y vienen en un atractivo envase a prueba de derrame. Cada envase está lleno de una hermosa fragancia bíblica. Los aceites de unción fueron usados en las Escrituras como una representación simbólica del Espíritu Santo para las oraciones de sanación, consagración, santificación para el liderazgo y liberación.
Myrrh was used as one of the sacred ingredients in anointing the Tabernacle and the Holy Temple, and of course was used as a gift to honor the Christ child. It was also used by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus to anoint the linen used to wrap Jesus' body, and prepare him for burial. Anointing oils have a strong scent and come in attractive, leak-resistant packaging. Each scent is filled with a beautiful, biblical fragrance. Anointing oils were used in scripture as a symbolic representation of the Holy Spirit for prayers of healing, consecration, sanctification for leadership, and deliverance.
Información adicional
Holy Land Gifts
Holy Land Gifts
Nombre original:
Anointing Oil - Myrrh
Tipo de tapa:
aceite y vidrio